Monday, March 1, 2010

Women rule and men, well just aren't as cool

I'm writing a paper on altruistic behavior in humans. Here's a bit of an abstract from my favorite article:

"We examined people's charity contributions while in the presence of an observer of the same sex, opposite sex, or no observer... We hypothesized that men would be more generous in the presence of a potential mate... Our results show that men contribute more to charity when observed by a member of the opposite sex than by a member of the same sex or no observer. Conversely, female charity donations did not significantly vary across the three observer conditions. Findings support the notion that men's generosity might have evolved as a mating signal."

The article goes on to talk about men tipping more especially when on a date, donating to pan-handlers more often when the beggar was female or if they were walking with a female, and other such statistics. Whereas females donate equally across all circumstances. My male readers may try to argue that while women donate equally, they probably donate less and therefore men are more generous. To you I say, check out this graph from the study:

The study tells us that the two groups contributed the same amount of money overall ($119). The point here, of course, is that women donate indiscriminately while men donate more when observed by the opposite sex. This was a study done in a lab, so whether in real life men and women wind up donating the same amount to charities is unknown.

So men donate to show off and get a good mate while women donate because they're... good people. (yes I'm purposefully imposing moral judgments on these poor subjects, but it's certainly more entertaining to read the data my way than some lame "we're all equal" sort of way!)

Science I can get behind!

Article citation:
Iredale, W., Van Vugt, M. & Dunbar, R., 2008. Showing Off in Humans: Male Generosity as a Mating Signal. Evolutionary Psychology 6(3): 386-392.

1 comment:

  1. this came up on my facebook and it occurred to me I didn't explain the study fully enough here, so I thought I'd copy and paste the exchange:

    Interesting! Question: What about income earned? Because while men may be donating more, maybe it reflects that they actually earn more than women and have more financial freedom to do so?
    Also, according to my evolutionary psych class (which could be a crock of shit), women value high earning males b/c it shows that the male will be able to ... See moreprovide for them and their children...but that trait isn't as highly valued by males in females b/c they're just lookin for someone w/ a nice waist-hip ratio who can carry their babies. Totally generalized and stereotypical, but apparently a studied trend?

    this study was done in a lab where they played a game against a computer and were given a certain amount of money, the same for each person who participated. they were then asked if they wanted to donate any of their 'earnings' to UNICEF or some such established charity (i forget which one). so, in this study, men and women had the same 'income'. in a real life study, that would definitely have to be controlled somehow, as men do earn more and therefore have more to give.

    yeah that's the evolutionary rationale: a man who has extra resources to give away must have a lot of that particular resource (ie money) that can be invested in a family, aiding in the raising and protection of the offspring. While men want a female who is most able to reproduce and successfully raise offspring... evolutionarily speaking
