Monday, February 22, 2010

If I would've pursued writing...

I think I'd be Hemingway Jr. Style-wise, not alcoholic-such-and-such-wise... though I suppose the latter just goes along with being a writer? In any case, A Farewell to Arms officially turned me on to Hemingway. I think his stream of consciousness is more precise than Woolf's. I grant Woolf was trying to include those flashes of visions we get intermixed in our SOC, but still, Hemingway does it better. His streams of thought are my streams of thought (and probably yours too).

As this isn't a particularly thought out post, more like a ramble caused by a mingling of work and near-computer crash induced anxiety, I'll just say that if you are an aspiring writer, A Moveable Feast has moments of brilliant instruction on how to write. Also, it includes fun insights into the Modernist movement in Paris with appearances by Ezra Pound, Ford Maddox Ford, and Gertrude Stein. Of course you have to bear in mind A Moveable Feast was compiled posthumously, and chapters have been dropped in here and there. While Hemingway didn't compile or give the final edit, he did write all the words therein, and despite his being dead before its completion, it's still... well, awesome!

Whoa really large picture! Oh well, it works anyway!

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