Monday, September 28, 2009

Durham oh Durham oh Durham

Durham has it all.

Yesterday we (my parents and myself) arrived in Durham. It's a beautiful little city--cobblestone streets, little shops, a Cathedral, a castle, a river on each side, and lots and lots of trees! (go to for pics)

It's intimidating. I've done this whole school thing before, which I think makes it harder when you have to start at the bottom again. I'm not sure of the layout of the land, how the buses work, or where to go when I need something from the University. Come to that, I have no idea where anything is on campus!

The past two days we've tried to set up my bank account, get a phone, and get a student ID card. None of which has actually been accomplished. It's a lot of doing and not a lot of getting done. Frustrating, really. But, I am here well before orientation commences. The first session is a college tour and dinner at a local pub, tomorrow night.

I'm looking forward to classes merely because I know how that all works! You do your reading, you discuss it, you give a presentation, and then you write a paper! Done and done! This whole living at college thing, well that's a different matter. Must get used to a whole new system of living, communicating, and commuting.

It'll be a transition, but obviously a manageable one. One that is easier with each new postgrad I meet. We seem to all have the same thought process: don't fail out, don't fail out, don't fail out! As Katie would say, think positively! So: I'll get all A's, I'll get all A's, I'll get all A's! Here's hoping!

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